Damp problems in walls
If you suffer from damp problems in your home then most likely it will concern damp problems in your walls. The walls support the home and are connected to the foundation and the ground- visible walls run through to the basement and crawl spaces, some of the most sensitive places for damp. Damp in your walls is something you don’t want, because it can have major consequences for the overall living environment in your home. It is therefore important to have a quick and effective remedy for damp in your walls.
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What is the cause of damp in walls?
If you suffer from damp in the walls of your home, then there can be various causes and is important to find the correct cause in order to resolve the real issue. You may be able to fix up your walls for a while with superficial treatments, but this is just symptom relief. If you do not fight the correct source, you will continue to have damp in the walls and all its associated consequences. If you cannot find the cause, it is wise to have SmartDry come over. As an expert in all kinds of damp problems, we can find out the cause and help you get rid of your damp problems with our revolutionary and sustainable solution.

What are the most common causes of damp problems in walls?
Rising damp
Rising damp is normally identified when there are high damp readings, or water marks, on the bottom of the walls at ground level. Raising damp is categorised as groundwater that makes its way up through the foundation, the basement, crawl space or the underside of porous outer walls. The damp pulls up through the wall, making your internal walls wet. If you have a good damp proof course in the wall of your home, rising damp will ultimately be stopped, however, older homes may not have a damp proof course and therefore suffer from rising damp.
Penetrating damp
Penetrating damp can be a cause of damp in your walls. This mainly concerns affected exterior facades that rainwater seeps into. Damaged outer walls can allow damp through, and this, in turn, will also penetrate the inner walls. Penetrating damp tends to cause the same symptoms as rising damp. A solution for this type of damp problem is repairing the outside wall and having it waterproofed, however the damp in your interior walls will still be wet, this can be remedied by the SmartDry DryBrick System. Not only will the DryBricks solve the damp issues, but it will also prevent a damp inner wall in the future.
Condensation becomes a problem if the humidity in the house is too high and the moisture does not get a chance to leave the home. Living moisture in the house is completely normal. This already occurs when people are present in the house through breathing. There is also showering and cooking in the house. This can temporarily cause a high humidity in the house. In many cases it helps to open a window. But this does not always help. In cases where a home is very well insulated or if good ventilation is lacking, the home cannot moisture out and no fresh air will enter the home. Condensation will then form. This can often be recognized by the misted windows. But condensation can also settle on the walls. If the humidity in the home is constantly too high, this will affect the walls.
Cold bridges
A cold bridge is normally the result of an insulation issue, whereas the insulation shell of the home is interrupted in one or more places. This can be the case, for example, if cavity wall insulation has subsided. Building rubble can also be the underlying cause of a cold bridge. A cold bridge occurs when a space in the wall forms a cold section between the inner and outer walls-these then become cold spots in the wall. Because damp attracts to the coldest place, cold bridges always pose a risk of damp.
The perfect solution for damp in walls
Good ventilation is the best method for getting damp out of your walls. With ventilation, damp can leave the home and fresh air will enter the home. The SmartDry DryBrick is a specially designed system that is placed in the outside walls. Your walls are ventilated 24 hours a day through natural ventilation. In this way, damp can find its way out in the right way. The walls will dry out and the system will prevent damp and treat any new damp. Our DryBrick system is the perfect solution for people with damp walls who want a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution. Because DryBricks are placed on the outside of the house, you will not have any inconvenience on the inside walls. There is also no use of chemical agents, as the DryBrick is a natural and sustainable solution.
Plan a free damp assessment
Feel free to contact us for a free damp assessment or advice from our moisture expert.